Saturday, October 29, 2011

Week 7, Edge Effects

1. Pink Flower: October 8, 2011, 3:25pm; BYUI gardens; f/5.7; 1/125sec; Panasonic DMC-LZ8
2. Bus: October 1, 2011, 11:29am; Salt Lake City UT; f/8; 1/1000sec; Panasonic DMC-LZ8
3. Lily: October 8, 2011, 3:20pm; BYUI gardens; f/5.7; 1/30sec; Panasonic DMC-LZ8
For the first picture I adjusted the levels and saturation to brighten the whole picture. I also made it black and white, then masked it out completely on the pink flower, and only slightly on the rest of the picture. Then I added an inch to the canvas size, and had the background be white. Then I drew a white rectangle over the picture then erased most of it, so only a small white line, then I feathered it, and lowered the opacity.
On the second image I did the same basic editing as I did on the first picture. I copied the layer, then I darkened the outside edge of the picture, then I added a small red line around the whole picture by leaving the selection selected, and clicking on the first layer. Then I went to Edit-stroke and selected the color and thickness I wanted the line to be.
On the last picture I did the same editing, except I sharpened it then masked out some of the water and lily pads so they wouldn't be as sharp as the flower. Then I used the rectangle marquee tool and made a rectangle about one inch inside the picture. Then I went into mask mode and went to filter and used the brush strokes sprayed tool. I increased the length a lot, and the radius as much as it it would go. Then applied this to the picture and changed the color to a green I got from a part of the picture.


  1. I really love what you did with all of these border photos. By themselves, they are ok, but once you added the borders and effects, they look awesome! I especially love the flower one. Your poker one was another favorite of mine--super creative! Way to go!

  2. Fun to see your pictures! So glad to have another photographer in the family :)
